Terms of use

Only one account is allowed per person / IP address.
You must provide exact information when creating your account and later on.
It is forbidden to use our app through anonymous IP services such as VPN or proxies.
You are responsible for the safeguarding of your password and accept to never share it with a third party.
Our service allows you to post links to other sites. You are responsible for the sites you post.
By posting a site on our service, you grant us the right to display it on our service.
You warrant that the site belongs to you or that you have the right to use it and posting it does not violate any rights of any person.
Our service may contain links or display sites that are not owned by FeelingSurf.
FeelingSurf has no control on third-party sites. You acknowledge that FeelingSurf shall not be responsible of any damage or loss caused by a third-party site.
Service termination
We may terminate or suspend your account if you do not comply with these terms.